Parking Lot Repaving Benefits Tenants And Turnover Rates

If you manage an apartment complex where the parking lots are getting visibly old and cracked, you need to have new asphalt installed. This isn't just so that the parking lot looks new — it's a way to provide benefits to tenants and crew. It's also a potential way to slow turnover among tenants who aren't happy with the way the parking lot looks now.

Prevent More Potholes

When asphalt is already broken, it's very easy to break more of it. If you've got a parking lot full of cracks, then it's not hard at all to find some potholes forming after rainy or icy days. Repaving so that the surface no longer has cracks helps prevent potholes as long as the asphalt is installed correctly. You'll need to keep an eye on the asphalt and ensure it's also sealcoated, but changing the asphalt is the first step and will help tremendously.

Promote Pest Control

Something that people tend not to think about is that, when you have cracks in asphalt, you have handy pathways for pests. Even better for the pests is the fact that the cracks offer a protected space that's harder to target in terms of pest control. If the technician doing the pest control doesn't target the cracks specifically, then the pests end up with crevices where they can hide as pesticides are applied elsewhere in the complex. Installing new asphalt that's uncracked eliminates those hiding places.

Protect Curb Appeal

Finally, there's no question that a smooth-surfaced parking lot makes your property look better overall. While a crack or two in parking lot asphalt might not alarm most people, the upgrade to having uncracked asphalt can influence prospective tenants in a subtle way. They may not realize it, but they're likely feeling a little more positive toward the complex because it looks like it's being cared for. It doesn't look like it takes years for repairs to be made.

Installing new asphalt in your complex's parking lot is a simple way to improve the lives of everyone who lives and works there and may help reduce turnover rates among those who want to live in a complex that's always trying to upgrade itself. Asphalt and paving contractors can give you bids for the work once you know exactly what you want. Start making those calls to companies so you can get that new asphalt as soon as possible.

For more information, contact a company like Azzarelli Paving & Site Development.
