It's common for an asphalt driveway to develop cracks and holes, but it's important to have repairs done to stop the damage from getting worse. The black binder in asphalt gradually wears away due to UV rays, rain, and vehicle traffic. When that happens, you'll want to have repairs done to any damages on your driveway and have a sealcoat or overlay put on depending on what your contractor recommends. Here's a look at how these asphalt services are done.
Fill Asphalt Cracks
Cracks in asphalt can be repaired by injecting filler with a caulk gun or pouring the filler on. It's good to get the filler deep in the crack, which might be difficult with tiny cracks. Larger cracks may be filled by machine. The first step is to sweep the driveway to get rid of grit.
Then the cracks may need to be cleaned out by digging out weeds and sand. They might also be cleaned with compressed air or a pressure washer. This is an important step so the crack filler adheres well. The contractor makes sure the filler has a smooth and level surface when the work is done.
Repair Potholes
A pothole may need to be filled with gravel and hot asphalt. When the hole is filled, the asphalt is compacted to create a hard and stable area that's level with the top of the driveway. Hot asphalt is commonly used for filling potholes since it lasts longer than cold patches. However, the asphalt needs to be applied in warm weather, so you may need to wait and have your driveway work done from spring through fall.
When cracks and holes are filled, the repairs will be quite noticeable since the new asphalt or filler is dark black. That's why you might want an overlay or sealcoat to help cover up the repairs and make the entire driveway black.
Put Down An Overlay Or Sealcoat
An overlay is a topping of fresh hot asphalt on top of your old driveway. Your driveway will look new once the overlay is on. The repairs will be invisible and fading will be restored. An overlay can even extend the life of your old asphalt, so it's often a good asphalt service to have done for an old driveway.
A sealcoat is something different. It's a thin coating so it makes the driveway all black again, but the coating isn't thick enough to hide repaired areas. Still, it's less expensive than an overlay, and it makes your driveway attractive again. Plus, the coating will protect the asphalt and slow down the aging process. The asphalt has a longer life as long as you apply a new coating every few years when the old coating wears off.
For more information, reach out to local asphalt services.