3 Things To Know About Parking Lot Sealcoating

When it comes to parking lots, keeping them in good condition is essential. With vehicles coming in and out frequently, it's easy for the asphalt to end up with its fair share of wear and tear. The good news is that parking lot sealcoating can add a layer of protection to the asphalt's surface. If you are looking for a way to keep your parking lot in good condition, asphalt sealcoating is the way to go. Here are three things to know about parking lot sealcoating

What Sealcoating Does

The first thing to know about parking lot sealcoating is how it works. Sealcoating works by applying layers of sealant to protect your parking lot's surface from water, oil, gas, and UV rays. Sealcoating protects your parking lot from the elements, enhances its appearance, and extends its life span. There are different sealant formulas to choose from, and your paving contractor can help you find the most suitable option for your parking lot. 

How Much It Costs

The cost of parking lot sealcoating depends on the size of your lot, the type of sealant you select, and the cost of labor. Whether your parking lot requires repairs will also impact your bottom line. The number of coats of sealant will also affect how much this project costs. On average, parking lot sealcoating costs between $0.20 and $0.30 per square foot. When hiring a pavement contractor to tackle asphalt sealcoating, discuss the expense in detail. Since parking lot sealcoating increases your pavement's life span, it's a cost-effective option for maintaining your parking lot.

How Often To Do It

How often you need to seal your asphalt parking lot varies depending on the amount of use your lot gets and the weather conditions where it's located. The more your parking lot is used, the more often you should seal it. Also, if your parking lot often sees weather extremes, you'll need to seal it more frequently. In most cases, you'll want to look into sealcoating your parking lot every one to three years. Your paving contractor will give you recommendations on how often to consider asphalt sealcoating. 

Parking lot sealcoating can keep your lot looking good. Here's what to know about sealcoating for your parking lot. First, sealcoating protects your parking lot's surface and extends its life span. Second, the cost of asphalt sealcoating varies, but it's a cost-effective way to keep your parking lot in good condition. Finally, most parking lots require sealcoating every one to three years. 
