If your home makes use of an asphalt driveway, you will need to have your driveway sealcoated every few years. While you may be tempted to leave your driveway unsealed in the interest of avoiding the maintenance costs that come along with this upkeep, giving in to this temptation is never a good idea. To learn more about three of the reasons why sealcoating your asphalt driveway is so important, simply continue reading below.
#1: Sealcoating Protects Your Driveway From UV Damage
UV rays have the potential to seriously damage your asphalt driveway if it is left unsealed for an extended period of time. For instance, these powerful rays have the ability to fade the color of your asphalt and cause surface cracks to form. Asphalt sealcoating provides your driveway with a much-needed protective layer that helps to prevent the sun's UV rays from causing damage. This protective layer can also provide protection against weather, snow removal, and moisture-related damage.
#2: Having Your Driveway Resealed Can Extend Its Life
While you may be tempted to try and avoid the maintenance costs that come along with asphalt sealcoating, these costs truly pale in comparison to the cost of having a whole new driveway installed. Consequently, you will want to help ensure that your existing driveway remains in good condition for as long as possible. Asphalt sealcoating can help you to accomplish this goal by protecting your driveway from various types of damage, ultimately extending its lifespan.
#3: Asphalt Sealcoating Protects Your Vehicles From Damage
An unsealed driveway can easily develop cracks and potholes that will eventually result in damage to both the surface and the foundation of the driveway. Not only is this bad for your driveway itself, but it can also be very bad for the vehicles that you park in your driveway. This is because even small potholes can cause damage to your vehicle's suspension. Consequently, choosing to have your asphalt sealcoated will not only help to protect your driveway, but it will protect your vehicles as well.
A Final Thought
If it has been more than a few years since you last had your driveway sealed, there is a good chance that it is time to contact a local paving contractor to have your driveway sealcoated. However, time is not the only indication that your driveway is in need of sealing. You will also want to make this call if you notice that your asphalt has faded from black to gray, has developed surface cracks, or has dark spots or stains.
Contact a contractor to learn more about sealcoating.